Nicolas Hayes, DO, FACS

Cosmetic Surgeon

Triple Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon

Contact Us

Meet Dr. Hayes


Dr. Hayes is a fellowship-trained cosmetic surgeon who is triple board certified through the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery, and the American Board of Surgery. This means that his education, training, professional qualifications, surgical competence, and ethical conduct have passed a rigorous evaluation, and have been found to be consistent with the high standards established and demanded by the College of Surgeons. In partnership with North Canyon Medical Center, Dr. Hayes is very excited to bring his education, training, and experience to Idaho with the goal of offering the highest quality and safe cosmetic surgery and aesthetic procedures to his patients.

Awards and Honors

Chief Resident Award 2013-2014
Recipient of Robert Cotter Scholarship 2006


General Surgery Residency
Marshfield Clinic/St. Josephs Hospital
2009 – 2014

Idaho State University Family Medicine Residency

General Surgery Internship
Marshfield Clinic/St. Josephs Hospital

Licensing and Certifications

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine 2007
American Board of Surgery 2014
American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (pending May 2023)
American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery (pending August 2023)

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